Finding Recipes in Unique Places

I love finding recipes in unique places…I bought a tub of Astro yogurt from the store and brought it home. When I took the plastic top off the yogurt I noticed a recipe on the foil that caught my eye, Chipotle Potato Salad (Click to get recipe). In my house, anything with Chipotle in the title is worth a try. I made this recipe and it was a hit. I made this recipe again for a potluck and it was a super hit. This is a new twist on Potato Salad. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

P.S. If you hate Cilantro, either leave it out or replace with fresh parsley. I used 1 chipotle from a tin of chipotle in adobo sauce. You can find chipotle in adobo sauce close to the taco seasoning in your local grocery store. This recipe is about mild to medium in terms of spiciness. If you want it spicier, just add a bit of adobo sauce.

Meal Planning

Recently, I was asked how I find time to cook and try new recipes. The answer is meal planning. For me, I typically plan 4  evening meals a week. I make a list of the grocery items that I don’t have and go to the store on the weekend or order from I don’t necessarily assign a meal to each day. I know my sister uses a calendar and cooks what she has planned each day and finds this to be quite effective.  Breakfasts and lunches are pretty straightforward, so I just have the staples on hand for these meals at all times.  When creating a meal plan think- quick, easy and healthy. I only plan 4 meals typically because I leave 1 night for leftovers, 1 night to eat out (if we feel like it) and 1 night to try a new recipe or eat breakfast for supper. I hate to throw food out, so I usually try to only have staples and the veggies that I will be cooking in my 4 meals that week. This way you are forced to cook what you planned and eat what you bought.

Here are a few suggested menu ideas to plan for next week, if you want to try out my approach to meal planning:

Meal 1: Roasted tomato Risotto

Meal 2: Borscht

Meal 3: Veggie Chili with a Twist

Meal 4: Pomegranate and Feta salad with a grilled cheese sandwich (or sandwich/wrap of your choice)

Now- make a list of ingredients that you don’t have already and go shopping.

Once you start making meals on a regular basis you can start to formulate a list of what your true staples items are in your kitchen. As a vegetarian some of my staple items are: rice, quinoa, pasta, lentils, different kinds of beans, nuts, seeds, oils, vinegar(s), veg broth, coconut milk, spices/ herbs, canned tomato sauce/paste, garlic, maple syrup, mustard, butter, cheeses, almond milk, yogurt, lemons, limes, and eggs.

For the Love of Beans!

I recently got home from a quick visit with my family in Grande Prairie, Alberta. While I was there I had a chance to share and cook some meals with them that included some veggie dishes.

I am always impressed by my Grandma who is open to new ideas and trying new foods in her 80s. She let me cook her a few meals and enjoy one of my quick “go to” salads. I think she was surprised somewhat when I mentioned that she was eating a vegetarian meal. I know she noticed that there was no meat in the salad, but I doubt she missed the meat because she was so thrilled to be reminded of how much she loves beans. I recall throughout the meal her commenting over and over how much she loves beans. My Grandma asked for the recipe and I thought I would post it up here too incase one day she is inspired to check it out online. Hopefully, she will make the recipe for herself and reclaim her love for beans!

Having a Vegetarian over for Dinner!?

So don’t freak out, we are actually very easy to cook for or so I tell my mom…

In most circumstances when planning to host a meal, you go right to what type of meat to prepare. Am I right? Well, please don’t change your plans on my account. Plan to include a salad (with beans, legumes or nuts), soup or 2 extra veggie sides and some rolls with your meal and most veggies with be satisfied with the options. Please do let us know if you have cooked with any animal by-products, though.

When planning to cook a meal that is veggie friendly consider a meal that you can make without meat or add meat on the side for example, a pasta dish, salad, curry, or stir-fry. Maybe branch out and stuff some red peppers or try a new recipe from this site… hint, hint. Don’t be afraid to ask your guest how to accommodate them! Most Vegetarians I have met are happy to share ideas and even help prepare the meal.

If you are still at a loss, make the meal potluck and then every one attending will be sure to make/bring something they want to eat!

Carrot Cake- The Back Story

In the 1970(s) or so I am told, my great aunt Helen and her husband were staying at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. They ordered this carrot cake for dessert and loved it. My great aunt asked for the recipe and sure enough the waiter brought her a copy of the recipe before they left the restaurant. When they went to check out from the hotel there was a charge on her bill for the recipe. The hotel charged my great aunt $100! She could not believe that she had been charged so much; she made sure she gave a copy of the recipe to everyone she knew!

Out of curiosity I just did a basic Google search on “Waldorf Astoria Carrot Cake” to see if anyone else might have this secret recipe. I was shocked to find a similar story by a poster named Nicole on I also found similar stories posted by many other people but with other recipes. The most common recipe being the Waldorf Astoria Red Velvet cake. A little more digging and the secret was exposed by who describes the Waldorf Astoria prank in great detail. Apparently, this prank or urban legend always starts with someone going to the Waldorf Astoria restaurant having a delicious dessert and then asking for the recipe.  Everyone ends up getting billed $100 for the recipe and is so enraged with the charge of $100 (a lot of money in 50s – 70s) that they vow to share the recipe with everyone they know. The explanation as to why this prank was started seems odd, but it is explained that it was created to fool Newspaper and magazine editors. This prank/urban myth has been playing out in countless families since the 1950s.

Boy, was I duped!

As I was typing out the recipe for this post, I was so excited about the back story until my simple Google search ruined my love for this recipe. Never the less, this is the most delicious Carrot Cake recipe of all time. I dare you to try it and share it!

Perfecting the Recipe?

While tweaking this recipe: “Rice Noodle Salad”, I have officially decided that there is no perfected recipe for this salad. After making this salad a couple of times over the past week and several times over the years; I have come to realize that each time you make this salad it is a new experience. My partner prefers the mint in it; I prefer it without. Recently I went to see my mom and she asked me to make it for her. Being the Culinary genius that she is, I thought it would be a great way to get more feedback so I made the salad for her. Now my mom is so nice, and I know she would never say she “hates” something I made, but she seemed impressed with the salad and agreed that she liked it with mint. My step-dad also offered his praise after sampling this salad saying, “it is a flavour sensation, waking up your taste buds!” This is high praise from a meatitarian who is not as enlightened on the veggie front.

I would love to hear from anyone who tries this recipe out. Let me know what tweaks you made and if you enjoyed this salad adventure.


Simply put… I am a vegetarian that likes to cook. I became a lacto- ovo vegetarian about 4 years ago in order to relieve some of my gut issues. Although, I  rarely consume much lacto these days. I would say that I am not a “purist” veggie because I do eat and cook with items that contain animal by products, e.g. Worcestershire sauce. Yikes- writing this makes me rethink why I eat anything “by-product”.

I have no formal cooking training other than my Grade 7-9 home economics class with Mrs. Harris and learning from my mom (who is an awesome cook). I love to try new foods and experiment with recipes.

Many of my recipes are inspired by others or are dishes that I used to eat with added meat, that I have altered to enjoy veggie style. I hate tofu/soy products unless it is hidden in a yummy veggie burger or deep fried. Beans are my go to! I love to add beans or legumes to my favorite dishes and in some cases may seem weird, but is oh so good!

Why Another Food Blog…

I decided to start my own vegetarian food blog to share some of my favorite recipes and cooking ideas with my friends and family (oh, and I guess the world). There have been many people over the years that have asked me the same questions: what do I eat, what should they serve me when I come to visit, and how do I get enough protein? Instead of repeating the same conversation; I thought it might be more fun and inspiring to check out my blog to help answer their questions and also to try some of my favorite veggie recipes. Hope you enjoy these dishes as much as I do.